Pondering Plants

Insights into plant-based nutrition

  • We all know how good eating broccoli is for us, but did you know that broccoli sprouts can pack an even bigger punch? That’s because broccoli sprouts contain a particularly high concentration of a powerful compound called sulforaphane. But before we talk more about sulforaphane, let’s unpack what broccoli sprouts actually are. Sprouts are essentially…

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  • Herbal teas are widely known for their flowery and fruity taste, as well as their ability to soothe and relax the body. Unlike other teas like green or black tea, herbal teas don’t contain any caffeine. Regardless of what specific herbal tea you happen to be drinking, you’re likely get some kind of health benefit…

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  • A study out of Stanford was published towards the end of last year looking at the effects of a vegan diet and omnivore diet on certain health parameters. But what made this study particularly unique was the fact that it recruited twin subjects. Now, studying nutrition is inherently complex due to the fact that each…

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  • A hallmark characteristic of plant foods is their particular abundance in these beneficial compounds known as antioxidants. If we break down the word antioxidants and look at each component, we can derive its meaning: the prefix, “anti”, means “against”, and “oxidants” refers to a chemical mechanism called oxidation. So, antioxidants help to fight oxidation. You…

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  • Kale

    It’s well-established at this point that kale is the kind of food that immediately conjures up ideas of healthy eating and images of social media influencers blending green smoothies in their Vitamix. But it truly is a staple ingredient when it comes to making delicious and nutritious recipes. Whether you throw some handfuls into a…

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